During your adventure, you will be traveling through the Galar region, where you will find many unique locations, such as huge grassy plains filled with nature and towns and cities where people and Pokémon work and live together!
Another characteristic part of Galarian culture is the way Pokémon battles are regarded as the most popular form of entertainment across the whole region.
Challengers face off against the Gym Leaders in Pokémon battles held in the various stadiums found throughout the region. Whenever there is a battle, these stadiums ring with the passionate cheering of large crowds of fans and spectators.

You will find many unique locations throughout the Galar region.

Pokémon play a huge role in the Galar region. Not only are Pokémon battles considered the best entertainment, but many companies are eager to include Pokémon as part of their workforce!
The Pokémon League
In the Galar region, the Pokémon League is where Trainers from all over gather to compete and hone their skills at Pokémon battles. You’ll have to take on the Pokémon Gyms found around the region as you join the competition in trying to reach the pinnacle of the Pokémon League to attain the title of Champion for yourself!